"Dear future student of Mr. Hernandez’s class, I wish you the best and most fun year as you take part of a challenging yet rewarding math class."
- 2018
"To be successful in this class you gotta be ready to put in the work. You really get out what you put in."
- 2018
"Show up every day, because every minute counts in his class and turn in all homework even if you don’t quite understand it. A missing homework IS NOT worth it save those grades for low test scores !"
- 2019
"Keep an eye on the website provided for you. It is a useful habit to check it out every day or even in the mornings to know what is the schedule for this class. Be prepared, the website does help in telling you what you are going to be doing that day so preparation for that study topic is good to know."
- 2018
"In order to be successful in this class you must always pay attention, don’t fall asleep you just might get sprayed with a water gun. Also make sure to do your homework at home and not rush to do it last minute because it’s good to understand what you’re learning. Make sure to go to tutoring 1 on 1 help really does make a difference. "
- 2019
"In this class you should keep up on your work and try not to let your friends get in the way of you trying to learn. You may not like him but hes a good teacher. He is a human as well so try to take it easy with him."
- 2018
"He’s a good teacher but he’ll give you the grade you deserve. Do your home work, and understand it. Pay attention in class."
- 2018
"Dear future student, in this class in order for you to be successfull you must know how to manage your time, be organized, ask questions and study!!! This class can be difficult if you fall behind on assignments. Don’t slack of or procrastinate it will catch up to you!! Points are taken off for late assignments, get all the 100’s you can!!Be responsible and organize all your notes they help you on the quizes😉. Ask questions when you don’t understand don’t be afraid someone else might have had the same question and was too shy to be vocal about it. Lastly study! It helps trust me."
- 2018
"Dear future student, As a student to another student you can be more successful by showing up to this class, actually doing the homework, taking 'Good Notes', participating with others and showing effort in general. Btw not being harsh but these are all simple tasks to pass Mr.Hernandez's class, personally I think he's an awesome teacher with excellent charisma towards influencing others to push themselves to become successful. "
- 2019
"Write down all the notes possible. Take advantage of the website. GET UP TO CHECK YOUR ANSWERS DURING A TEST!!! Do not procrastinate oh homework , it’s a big part of your grade !"
"Dear whoever decides to take this class next year, Mr hernandez is probably one of the hardest teachers I've ever had. Hes pushed me to the point where I wanna cry but he Has also been one of the best teachers I've had. He taught me things alot of other teachers couldn't and he was really helpful when it came to me not understanding and needing him to dumb it down. Please do you homework, stay on task and come after school if needed cause this isn't a class you can just slack off in."